Michael V. Lauro, President of Lauro Consulting, Inc. is interviewed by The Suit Magazine in late 2014 and the article addressing the cost of Contact Center training appeared in their January, 2015 on line issue.  Read the article authored by Judy Scinta Magness of The Suit Magazine from the interview at http://issuu.com/thesuitmagazine/docs/issue64/67?e=0.  Also, download the PDF version from LCI's Resource page.

Consulting Services

High Performance Center Solutions

HealthCare Services360 Solutions - Provider and Payer Segments

Service Strategy Design  - We utilize our industry experience and knowledge of best practices to assist you in shaping every facet of your Customer Service Strategy.

Technology and System Selection - We assist with the selection of major systems and technology.

Focused AppraisalSM - We conduct a Focused AppraisalSM of specific areas of your operations including Processes, Training, Support, and Technology.


We have divided our High Performance Center and Customer Service training into two tracts: Leader Training and Front Line Training. Our training programs are developed with our clients’ input and assistance to match their needs, requirements and goals. We work with each of our clients to design a customized training approach, materials and curriculum to ensure training programs exceed expectations. All our learning sessions are conducted on-site at the client facilities using the most suitable delivery methods for your organization. We strive to help clients attain organizational goals and maximize their investment.

LCI's New Motivational Presentations can assist companies, customer service organizations and employees:

1) Improve Performance,

2) Show Appreciation, 

3) Lighten the Mood, Ease Tension and Anxiety, and

4) Provide Strategies to Deal With Life and Work.